Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some Things Just Don't Change

As I've been seated at my laptop, struggling to stay awake fighting the 'sleepies', which is what I call this state of afternoon sluggishness I find myself in, a friend called. When asked what I was doing, and I responded, "Trying to stay awake." she only laughed and told me some things just do not change. She knows that I am famous for not sleeping well at night but I absolutely cannot nap during the day or I would never sleep a wink during the night.

After our conversation ended, the phrase she used, "Some things just do not change." stayed with me, actually bringing back memories of when others have said that same thing to me, and I began to laugh.

It is true I will go to my grave repeating actions that defy rational thinking but that are so ingrained in my brain there is little hope of changing my behavior without checking into a rehab program somewhere.

I suspect that all human beings have idiosyncrasies that appear foolish or irrational to others. Why, some of my behaviors seem foolish even to me but I have been known to repeat them.......over and over again.

For instance, I have great difficulty properly removing a hangnail from a finger or toe. Logic (and past painful experiences) would suggest that a hangnail should be carefully removed by either nail clippers or cuticle scissors.....not the rip and pull method most often selected by me.

One of my family's favorite to tease me about is my philosophy, 'if one is good, several must be better'. I won't release details about this one except to say that it involved cans of prune juice.

However, I can write....with great pride....that it only took attempting to quick-chill one can of soda in the freezer (and forgetting about it) to realize that was an idea that should most definitely not be repeated.

There must be hope, somewhere in my cerebrum, to believe that I can avoid swollen, painful fingers and toes because I persist in rapidly removing a hangnail or I can avoid the consequences of drinking too much prune juice. Now, if I can just remember that Cranky Kitty does not like to be petted on her right side..................

May your memory be better than mine!

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