Friday, February 5, 2010

Broccoli For Breakfast

I love eating broccoli for breakfast. Unlike a not-too-recent U.S. president, I could eat broccoli for any meal. I especially like it when it is finally over-cooked and mushy. It goes down nice and smooth, almost like broccoli soup, another favorite of mine. More common breakfast fare might be cereal and toast, eggs and bacon (only a distant memory in this household), pancakes and sausage, a simple cup of coffee inhaled on the go as one dashes out the door, or the tasty-but-deadly egg/sausage/muffin trio from the local drive-through. Lesser-prepared-but-tastier breakfast dishes would be quiche, omelets, souffles, etc.

Why am I writing about what we eat for breakfast?

Allow me to equate what we choose to eat for breakfast to leadership.

I've written about leadership some of us choose it and it falls upon some our doorsteps. Within those two categories are four sub-categories: Those who lead well and naturally, those who learn to lead well, those who lead poorly and know it and those who lead poorly but have no clue that they are inadequate and unnatural leaders.

Sometimes leaders have difficult roads to lead others through. The path may be crooked, thorny, dangerous, frustrating, strewn with pitfalls, and lonely. Sometimes the road is dotted with onlookers who scoff, berate, and otherwise disrespect the leader. If the leader is lucky, she or he will have supporters throughout the journey.

If leaders are wise, they will know their constituents and understand their circumstances, abilities, and temperaments. A leader from this group would choose to eat breakfast food that was apropos to the day's tasks and that complimented the tastes and products native to the region being visited that day. A leader from this group knows and cares about the people being led and would take the time to research what foods are indigenous to the area. This leader takes the time to prepare quiches, omelets, souffles, etc. that demonstrate knowledge of the followers and their way of life. Followers of this type of leader will reflect back the respect shown to them.

The unwise leader chooses breakfast food from whatever cupboard door happens to be hanging open. This leader is from the 'grab and run' school of leadership. Whatever is handy gets consumed, no matter the region and customs of the constituents. This leader does not think before eating, care is not taken to eat indigenous foods, nor is concern demonstrated for the opinions of the people served. This leader does not understand that she or he is a leader not because of over-inflated self-importance but that leadership is granted from those served. (double negative intended)

As a follower, I take note of what my leaders eat, how it is prepared and the manner in which it is served. I follow because I choose to. My leaders can leave their hastily and nastily gathered foods in the cupboard or refrigerator until they take the time to prepare a meal for themselves that reflects respect for me.

Bon appetite!

Ancora imparo