Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cabin Phever

Phebruary's weather phacinates me. Many people I know are sick (and tired) and have had to visit their fasicians, whose waiting rooms are phull of people wheezing and couffing. All they need are meds to help them pheel more phrisky and phull of the devil by Phriday. I phind it phunny that farmaceutical companies and the farmacological products they produce are sold at farmacies where a farmacist phinds the medication the patient needs and passes it along to the wheezing and couffing consumer.

Now that I have a page on Phacebook all my phriends can phind me. While I am not on Twitter, many of my phriends are and they all type short, little frases that are sent to each other phaithphully. I see people texting phrenetically and phrantically, trying to communicate while driving, working or relaxing. We are all trying to phorget Phebruary.

At this time of year, most of us are phanticising about vacationing somewhere warm and sunny. Our phaces and phannies are phrozen phrom the cold weather and we don't think it is phun phor winter to still be hanging around in Phebruary. My pheline's phur is pheeling the effects of phrigid weather and my phine, pheathered phriends are having diffculty phinding phood.

Phor me, I'm phine with phinding phault with Phebruary. I'm able to be filoshophical about
the phact that my phlanges are numb. I realize this is a seasonal phaze that will soon phizzle out. Then I can complain about phlies and mosquitoes. Besides, warm weather inspires filanthropy, which is another phascinating topic that should be researched and not phiddled with phlippantly.

There. You have my Phebruary phindings phor now. If you phind more Phebruary phacts, please pass them along. I also welcome philm, fotos, and phabric.

Your phaithful filosopher, Patty Anne

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