Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Parsing Words

On a morning perambulation this summer, my SO and I encountered two of the other 'regular', neighborhood perambulators, and inquired as to the whereabouts of two of their missing comrades. One of the women spoke up instantly, and said, in a joking manner, "Oh, we had a spat."

As with many of the postings of this blog, that conversation was parked deep into my brain and spawned the generation of yet another list. Over the past several months, since our neighborly encounter, I've been listening to conversations everywhere and noting the differing terms used as synonyms for 'spat'. (Please note that this list describes only verbal confrontations, not physical.) As a casual observer and interloper of discussions, I would hazard the guess that some of the terms listed below are generation-related.


Going back just a bit further in time, are some of my favorites:

'Vintage' words are fun and oft portray a lighter side to our newer (by a century or two) terms.

Just imagine our current world leaders having a 'tiff' or 'row' over world health issues or climate concerns. It just kind of takes the hot air out of their inflated ego-speak, does it not?

Please keep in mind that I am not trying to start a kerfuffle with the contents of today's posting.

Peace and love to all.

Ancora imparo