Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If Only It Were That Easy

Last night afforded me the experience of playing a musical instrument with a choir in rehearsal for a holiday concert. Across America, thousands, maybe even millions of performing groups, are preparing for seasonal concerts. The venues will vary from concert halls to performing arts centers, to churches, to malls and even living rooms and the ages of the performers will be diverse as well.

In the rehearsal last evening, I was placed next to a person whose skill on her instrument remains strong, although her hearing is not what it once was in her youth. A seasoned player, she 'knows her stuff' but from time to time she would need a visual cue as to where the choir was so she could find her place on her part. As a former public school band director, it was no big deal for me to occasionally assist her by simply pointing at her music if she was momentarily aurally confused. She was appreciative and I was able. A synergistic partnership.

This morning brought further reflection on the evening's rehearsal and how simple it was for one person to assist another in a very subtle, yet useful, way.

If only life were that way. If only all we would have to do is point somewhere, at something, at the right time, to assist another in an area of life that is a struggle. Sometimes we are given the gift of sight for another but to no avail. We may be able to 'see' where another is headed but until that person gets there, in his or her own time and way - maybe accumulating bumps and bruises along the road - any 'pointing' we attempt may be pointless or even unappreciated.

And so, I accept the fact that I can use my 'pointy' finger only for help in musical rehearsals, not in life. I am comforted by the realization that I may very well be the recipient of another's 'pointy' finger - perhaps sooner than later. When those moments come (and I do know that there will be multiple moments) I will gladly accept help and assistance from another human's 'pointy' finger.

Just don't all of you point at once.

Ancora imparo