Thursday, November 26, 2009

Free Shipping

If you are on the web for any appreciable length of time these days, checking email or websites, you cannot miss the fact that hordes of businesses are offering free shipping, discounts, promotions, etc. in an effort to woo the hard-earned (or, non-existent, in some cases) cash from the economy-weary consumer. I guess, on this day where we are supposed to feel thankful, Main Street wants us to be thankful for free shipping. After all, shortly after tomorrow appears, Main Street hopes that we will be thankful for stores that opened in the wee hours of the morning and that whatever we saved in dollars may have been eaten up with the cost of gas from driving thither and yon just to find the best price on the gift that may be eventually re-gifted.

As for my SO and I, on this day where we all are supposed to be thankful, our thanks will come when the forty-cent-a-pound fowl gets cooked and carved and those gathered at the table can actually chew the meat. If the old adage, "you get what you pay for", rings true then the turkey meat will be leather-like, in spite of the culinary efforts of "Mr. Turkey". This may very well be the year that the left-over turkey gets made into turkey sausage and turkey burgers immediately after the last dish is washed.

The Great Illusionist recently pardoned Tom Turkey, who will live to see tomorrow dawn, and stores opening well before daylight. As Tom T. perches in his safe sanctuary, it is he who will have the last laugh, as we all give thanks for bargain meat that we can chew, bargains found in the big and small box stores, and, of course, free shipping.

Ancora imparo