Saturday, November 21, 2009

Missouri, Once Again

The great state of Missouri, the "Show-Me" state, has risen to the national forefront once again. Its U.S. Representative, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, is currently circulating a "Dear Colleague" letter among his peers, promoting House Concurrent Resolution 155, designating the day before Thanksgiving as the official "Complaint-Free" Wednesday. In other words, no whining within the walls of our legislative branch of government for one day!

While I applaud this effort, I wonder just what do our elected officials, as well as government-appointed officials, have to complain about?

Certainly not health care. They have the best coverage in the world.
Not work schedules. They get plenty of time off.
Not working conditions. They have access to some of the finest workout facilities in the nation.
Not food. Their restaurants and grills employ only the best chefs in the world.
Not representation. All they have to do is make up congressional districts and no one is the wiser.
Not travel allowances. They take junkets routinely, padding the rolls with staff and family members.

What members of Congress could possibly complain about escapes me. Oh, I'm sure there are those who feel that their free H1N1 Virus shots came at an inconvenient time, or that their parking tickets were not 'forgiven' in a timely manner, or that their traffic violations weren't overlooked as discreetly as desired. Really, the insensitivity of the public-service community that serves the greater Washington D.C. area!

It is the little people of this country who need to stop whining, not our glorified and edified elected public officials. All of the under and non-insured, the unemployed.....just get over it and pull yourselves up by the bootstraps and join the public Pollyannas for one complaint-free day. You'll make your Congressional men and women very happy.

Ancora imparo