Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Unthinkable Happened!

Today the unthinkable happened. I found a science that I can embrace.

Until this morning, my entire life has been spent in resistance to anything scientific. My brain just doesn't assimilate scientific facts efficiently..............if at all. I do not agree with the Order of Operations in math and I certainly cannot comprehend theorems, formulas, and other calculations associated with science. It is not that I do not appreciate science and scientifically-oriented minds, it is just that I, well, would prefer to think about other things. If I have a science-related question there are two wonderful minds close to me that are just a conversation away.

However, today, I discovered The Second Law of Thermodynamics and I thought to myself, "Now here is a principle that I can wrap my mind around!" Order and disorder.........this I understand.

An out-of-control chaos moving toward order.........that pretty much sums up a beginning band. This I know how to control and mold chaos into harmony.

Disorder on my desk or in my office? I know how to fix that. Pick it up and put it away.

Disorganization in an organization? I know how to organize and motivate. I can visualize, plan, and execute. I've been a middle-school band director.

Who knew that my life-skill set was based upon The Second Law of Thermodynamics? Plus, I'm old enough to know that if I can't stand the heat (thermo), I should get out of the kitchen.

I'm in better shape than I thought.

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