Friday, May 1, 2009

Ostrich Syndrome

I've never heard of the Ostrich Syndrome, but if it was authentic, I'd like to suffer from it.

Last night I attended a seminar designed to inform and educate individuals on the current economic crisis, its history, its possible path, and different scenarios regarding its conclusion. The evening was marked with a parade of speakers, each armed with varying tools for 'show and tell'. Attendees were showered with dazzling Power Point pie charts, graphs, graphics and industry jargon sure to impress the sharpest of financial minds.

For those attendees who have not yet finished reading "Understanding the Current Economic Meltdown For Dummies", the take-aways were more than likely totally different than those of the savvy investors.

Allow me to condense what I gleaned from listening to the very well-presented and carefully researched information:

I'm waiting for the Anxiety Bounce. Historically the Anxiety Bounce has always occurred.

Yeah, that's it. If you were waiting to read more helpful information, you'll be waiting for the blue moon. The key word here is anxiety which is in full supply everywhere. The media has done and is doing an excellent job of helping create, increase and ensure anxiety on many levels for a variety of reasons.............just look at the nervous, jumpy investors on Wall Street, riding their bicycles or walking to work, wearing their face masks, carrying bottles of hand sanitizers.

This is why I'm hoping to soon suffer from the Ostrich Syndrome.

As soon as I figure out how to contract this latest syndrome, I'll let you know!

Ancora imparo