Thursday, October 6, 2011

Those Boots Were Made For Walkin'

Good grief!  It seems as though everything I do these days stirs up some ancient song and today is no different.  I've been needing winter dress ankle-boots for several years now.  About twelve years ago I purchased a pair of Liz Claiborne dress winter ankle-boots, stylish boot-cut with a side zipper, from my favorite-no-longer-in-existence store, Marshall Fields. As old and ratty as these boots became, they were boots that my very fussy feet really liked and with some black polish, I could get by with them as long as no one got down on the floor and gave them a close look.  A few years ago I came to the realization that the boots were seeing their better day so I purchased a pair of boots that were comfortable, sort of in the same style, but had zero fashion to them.  I always felt like I had gray hair, wore foam curlers at night and held my purse on my lap while clutching it fiercely.  I was so self-conscious about my no-style boots that I wore my old boots most of the time.  But......last year the lining finally gave out and every time I pulled my feet from the boots, bits of black liner came out with my socks.

It was time.

I informed Capt. SO at the end of this past winter season that I was due for new, stylish boots and it might take a ride into the Chicago burbs to find a pair of boots that were both stylish and comfortable.

Today was the day.  Not to go into the Chicago burbs but to head to our local, larger mall and see what there was to see.  I started at Macy's and the young man who waited on me tried desperately to sell me just about every pair of ankle-cut boots the store had to offer.  I held to my knowledge that my feet (heels in particular) are very fussy.  I knew I could not wear anything with higher heels - much as I would like to think that I was stylin' - but I know better.  I regretfully had to decline each suggestion he came to me with.  Note that I also looked ridiculous in my capri pants and mid-calf socks that I brought along because those are the kind of socks I would wear with winter ankle-cut boots.  Still I persisted and eventually I had to tell him thank you very much but nothing is working.  He looked crestfallen but was probably glad to see me go.

I trekked on down to Bergners where I thought I'd just peruse the shoe section to see what there was to see and, low and behold, I spied a pair of Scandinavian-made boots, whose label I am familiar with and know that my feet like.  I was alone, with no sales clerk there to "assist" me so I could check and dismiss at will.  This floor-sample boot passed my heel-cushion push test and so I headed for the first available clerk.  This was his lucky day.  I donned my socks, caring not that I looked frumpy at best, put both boots on, and.....voila!  They fit and felt good.  Sale made even though they were pricey little suckers.  It took him all of three minutes, maybe, and he got a commission.

He's happy and so are my feet and, most importantly, my boots are stylin'.  I will no longer feel like I am Queen Elizabeth in her sensible brown oxfords and I will no longer have to clutch my purse in my lap.  This only took about thirteen years to accomplish.

Do you think I rushed things?    

Ancora imparo