I just looked at the clock and realized that, at 5:40 a.m., I have been awake since 3:00 a.m. and up since 4:20 a.m. I am not sure if I should give myself a prize for having initiative or insanity. When I finally gave up trying to sleep and rolled out of bed, I could hear the vehicles moving along the state highway that is about one-half to three-quarters of a mile behind our condo. The traffic wasn't heavy, by any means, but it was constant and was rather comforting to know that there were others who weren't under their comfy covers, either. As I moved about cat-like so as not to disturb Capt. SO, I was fortunate to know, by touch, where all of my clothes were and exactly where my glasses were. It is one thing to be fully dressed and ready to go and another to not have my eyeglasses on. Dressed but sightless simply does not work at all.
Shuffling out to the kitchen, I turned on the under-counter lights, which are my favorite light-sources when I am prowling during the night. For some reason, I find these lights comforting, perhaps because although they add bright light immediately below them, their illumination does not extend much beyond the counter area so the kitchen stays relatively dark. I can still move about and work, which is what I decided to do with my sleepless extra time. Coffee seemed to be a prescriptive measure, so a big pot was made, resulting in the steaming cup of brew sitting next to my laptop. Next I decided to start the white bean soup, thinking I would get a jump on the day's task of making white bean/black bean soup. The proof of whether or not my brain can work in the early hours of the day and whether or not I had enough kitchen light will come tonight when the soups are done and we sit down to enjoy the fruits of my nocturnal labor.
I note that even Cranky Kitty has not ventured out of her bed to check on me. Perhaps she is smarter than I give her credit for. Smarter than me this morning? For sure!
I am headed back to the coffee pot. May you have all the caffeine or internal/external stimulation you need today.
Ancora imparo