Have you ever noticed that it is becoming more difficult to be invisible in today's world?
Not that I ever tried, but not too many decades ago, it probably was not all that difficult to "disappear" from society and become a recluse or reclusette. You probably could ride into the sunset like Gary Cooper or ride over the cliff like "Thelma and Louise" or live on a tropical island with your soccer ball like Tom Hanks but now? Fuggedabowdit. Computers are so sophisticated - as are computer forensic experts - that you can track a person's online history with little expert effort. Shoot, I can find my online history with little effort. Cell phones provide GPS coordinates to anyone looking for them and our vehicles store information on where we've been, what routes we took, what speeds we traveled at and whether or not we applied the vehicle's brakes. Your cell phone can be run over or saturated with liquid and information can still be retrieved from it. Your shopping habits, preferences and purchase information is easily produced, as are what reading materials you select at the public library. Driving? Well, many of your moves will be tracked by cameras situated at intersections, store fronts, parking lots and garages and even street lights.
Where can a person escape to?
Advertisers try to lure consumers into escaping onto a cruise ship, booking nights in Las Vegas (remember that what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas), drinking certain beverages - alcoholic and non-alcoholic, taking bubble baths, eating certain foods, and even wearing certain fragrances.
Different strokes for different folks. What really works?
Read a book! Get a dog! Listen to your favorite music! These are powerful escape methods that have been proven to work and are therapeutic to boot! No food needs to be consumed, you do not have to drive anywhere and no social media has to be involved! Of course, you will have to set aside your laptop, tablet, computer, connective phone.....and all things Apple. This could be hard to do but think of the benefits. Seeing the sun rise or set, watching the stars with your dog (or cat, I suppose), lower electric bills....the list is endless.
Oops, my cell phone is vibrating. I'd better see who is calling. Catch you later.
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