Monday, October 3, 2011

Leave Well Enough Alone

Why, oh why, do social media sites feel the constant urge to "improve" things?  First Facebook got its users in a twitterpated state when their corporate "tinkerers" tinkered with the appearance, functions and screen-arrangement of Facebook.  While I wasn't fond of the changes, I did not voice my displeasure because I thought "What's the use?"  Now, is in the process of "tinkering" with the appearance and functions of its site and I do not like it one bit.

For some time now, there has been a prompt, in the upper right hand corner, that says something to the effect, "try our new Blogger interface".  Now that I am home, away from the Aqua RV and my internet speed is now just slightly faster than prehistoric, I saw the prompt again today and thought I would click on it.  What I found was appalling, not visually appealing, and much more difficult to navigate.  Why some backroom hack thought it was a better mousetrap is beyond me.  To make matters worse, I did "agree" to give feedback on my negative review of the "new and improved" site but when I tried to send my comments, I received yet another prompt that said "something bad has happened........"  Just what every internet visitor wants to see.  When I clicked on the back button I received another message that said I would be able to "stay with the old format a bit longer" - which says to me it is just a matter of time before all users are switched over to the new format arbitrarily and without user acquiescence.   

Can't we just be left alone, in our own little ruts and familiar patterns?  Why do functions and paths have to change?  All I can think of is that new design teams must be hired and "old" design teams either retire, resign, or become involuntarily removed and, heaven forbid that new designers should keep what the "old" designers designed.

I am resigned to design resignation.

Ancora imparo