I deplore cleaning. It, along with laundry, seems to be one of the most useless and senseless chores known to womankind. Neither task lasts, with "it" being done one minute and the next undone by some person, thing, animal, or Mother Nature. People who say they enjoy cleaning? Gimme a break. There is nothing relaxing about it. The only satisfaction from cleaning or doing laundry comes with completion, and then completion may only last a millisecond.
To reveal a dirty little secret, the bathroom ceiling fan/light in the master bath/shower area has been looking a little "dusty" for some time now. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on my frame of mind on any given day, the ceilings in the two upper-level bathrooms are vaulted and need an eight-foot ladder to access the fans. Finally, today, my knight-in-shining-armour, Capt. SO, said, "Let's tackle the ceiling fan." Now, this wasn't exactly at the top of my "just-what-I'd-love-to-do-on-a-Sunday-afternoon list, but when the tallest person living with you says "It's time.", you say, "Sure!" Up he climbed, disassembled it - passing the filthy parts down to me, who is, by now, showered in dust/dirt pieces falling from above. Even touching some of the parts was gross. It felt like, and possibly was, six years' worth of accumulated dust, moisture, and hairspray - although probably not the latter. A great deal of vacuuming, vigorous brushing with a whisk broom, soaking then scrubbing in a sink of hot, heavy-duty cleaning liquid got all the parts clean and looking like new again. So much dust and dirt particles had fallen throughout the process that I gathered up all the bath towels and rugs and added two more loads of laundry to my "just-what-I'd-love-to-do-on-a-Sunday-afternoon list.
Project completed. No more "eewwys" for the time being. May the remainder of your day be "eewwy"-free.
Ancoreewwy imparo