Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Too Many Photos of Two Cute Kids

This look-sort-pitch-save project is not going as easily as I envisioned. (Hereafter referred to as LSPSP.  I might as well leave readers with the impression that I am dealing with some funky fun here.)  I can pin down the problem kids' pictures from always and forever are too precious to part with.  When there are obvious duplicates, it only makes it slightly easier to toss the copies.  I still have trouble dropping those in the waste basket.  Similar poses?  Forget about tossing those.  It would seem that my LSPSP is breaking down somewhere and this is really only the beginning.  I've only been through one old photo album and there are many more to go!

It seems disrespectful to pitch pictures of deceased grandparents, great-grandparents, or even my deceased oldest sister and when any of the aforementioned happen to be holding one or both of my children in the pictures it seems even more wrong than ever to part with the pictures.    I'm even struggling to part with any of the photos of our dog, Max.  (It is possible that there may be more pictures of Max than the children, but don't tell them that.  I'll be sure to change up the ratio of dog-to-kid photos on the final disks.)

Even if I am successful in sorting out the exact replicas (thank you Steven Wright, wry and dry comedian extraordinaire) I realize that I still must make some subjective selection decisions about the similar poses otherwise their will be dozens of disks.  Favorite daughter in the lavender dress when she was a three-year old flower girl........precious!  Favorite son in his bear costume holding his Darth Vader sword......priceless.  Yes, there are probably ten pictures of each, and the pictures are all a bit different.......but how can I ask myself to part with any of them? 

I can foresee that this LSPSP will have many phases.  Phase number one will be the discarding of exact replicas.  Phase number two will be to sort the pictures, perhaps first into years.  Phase three will be to sort each year into subject matter and beyond that I have no clue.  Might I have taken a larger bite than I can handle in wading into this LSPSP?  I am confident that, if I owned every season of Seinfeld on DVD, there would still not be enough running time in which to complete the LSPSP. 

Maybe I should take my project north and stake out a spot when I can view the stalemate and work on my project.  That should give me enough time.........