Have you ever felt stirred, shaken and fried......all at once?
I would usually equate stirring with either cooking or listening to a rousing John Phillip Sousa march. Shaken would make me conjure up an alcoholic beverage, being frightened, or being in an earthquake. Fried, well that brings to mind Grandma's chicken, eggs, potatoes, green tomatoes, okra, eggplant, bacon, pork rind or being fried, as in needing to put my head in the nearest ostrich hole and not see the light of day for days.
Today was one of those rare days where a vortex of people, things, incidents, and choices came together to create a sink hole where I feel stirred, shaken and fried all at once.
Mind you, this is a circumstance of my own making. I simply put too many tasks on my personal agenda for the day then, other people added theirs to my list, I nearly got run over twice in the grocery store parking lot (seriously) and, suddenly, voila!, the shaken, stirred and fried curtain descended upon me and I felt powerless to lift the curtain. So, I did what all good bloggers do.....I decided that the cooking of dinner, the making of a pan of brownies, and hemming my new jeans could wait and I headed for my laptop. No matter that I made seven errand stops before getting to the grocery store, then coming home to unload the groceries and make a double batch of cookies. No matter that the newly installed smoke-detector batteries in my office keep beeping loudly and increasing my feeling of being stirred, shaken and fried. No matter that my phone keeps beeping with text messages from multiple people.
No matter because tomorrow I get to go see Princess Leia while her parents, brothers TLV and TLV'sLB, and maternal Grandpa Hay are in a foreign country on a mission trip. Gramps SO and I get to see Princess Leia and the OG (Other Granny) and we are so looking forward to it. It will make this awful day seem like it was light years ago.
Today - stirred, shaken and fried. Tomorrow - warm and fuzzy.
Can't wait!
Ancora imparo