This is one of those weeks that is a bit too big for my britches. I'd like to have alterations done on this week - either shortening it or taking it in, but definitely not lengthening it - although adding two hours to each day, as in a 26-hour day, would work just fine. I am existing by list-blitzing. You can make fun of me all you want, but list-blitzing is the only way I can keep "it" all in the box without losing my mind, or anything else, for that matter.
I have noted little "oops" here and there, probably due to this giant sleep deficit I am accumulating. At least, I am telling myself that my forgetfulness is due to a lack of sleep. To think of any other plausible reasons for being forgetful is simply too mind-boggling. No one wants to think of his or herself sitting in a chair, rocking to and fro, mumbling from dawn until dusk. Fortunately, all of my "forgets" have not resulted in any giant snafus....yet. I've missed an item or two that was written on grocery lists and last night I neglected to put the baking powder in the brownies I baked for tomorrow evening's gathering of church folk here at our condo, but I do not believe that the absence of baking powder will have affected the taste of the brownies. The batter did rise and, after I put the condensed, sweetened milk/butter/large-bag-of-chocolate-chips-melted/real vanilla concoction over the batter base, the end result looks normal. Perhaps I'll have to press Capt. SO into taste-testing service before tomorrow evening. I think he'll comply with my request!
The hard part of list blitzing is keeping track of all of the different lists. Perhaps I should devise a handbook for list management that has a table-of-contents page where all of the lists could be listed and, therefore, organized. It might look something like this:
Pg. 1 .................... List of Lists
Pg. 2 .................... Timetable of List Execution
Pg. 3 .................... List Triage
Pg. 4 .................... List of Plan B's
Pg. 5 .................... List of Alternative Lists
Pg. 6 .................... List of Non-compliance Excuses
Pg. 7 .................... List of Psychiatric Fellows Who Treat List Makers
Pg. 8 .................... List of Commonly Prescribed Pharmaceuticals
I think it is this last page of my List-Management Handbook that would be the most beneficial. Now that I think of it, should the last page be first?
Ancora imparo