Honestly, I had given up on wearing jeans that had any style to them at all. I was resigned to the idea that finding blue jeans (Now there is an antiquated term.) that would fit or remotely flatter my body-type was a pipe dream. I own five or six pair of jeans that have easily recognized names such as Pierre Cardin, Liz Claiborne, Levi's, Lee Jeans, and Ralph Loren but I gave up wearing them several years ago because my old faves had worn out and finding newer models that fit was an exercise in frustration and seeming futility.
First of all, the jean fabir of old was not necessarily comfortable to sit in. They were great to stand in but to be seated in jeans just never was an experience that bore repeating, as far as I was concerned. The denim of old is also uncomfortable next to the skin in cold weather. Give me cotton, flannel, corduroy, polyester......anything but pure denim in very cold weather.
Because I turned my back on "blue jeans" a number of years ago, I have ignored and missed the entry of Spandex and other flexible fabrics into the "blue jean" manufacturing mix. What a difference! On a recent Saturday shopping excursion, I was determined to find some jeans that would fit and even flatter. I held out little hope but, being the intrepid shopper that I am, I promised myself to persevere and peruse the available choices. At first, I simply chose all of the tried and true styles and, sure enough, the old problems were present.......finding a waist size that didn't have elephant legs accompanying the jeans.......or finding legs that flattered mine but with a waist so small that I couldn't get the waist past my hip bones. This doesn't even begin to address the inseam issue that so many short people have.
But, lo, a miracle occurred and I found two different labels that actually had jeans that would fit and flatter moi! Plus, I discovered that denim manufacturers for women have become more savvy to what women want and have followed......FINALLY.....the path that makers of men's jeans have known for years........give women a choice with waist and inseam sizes. For years, when I was much younger, I bought men's jeans simply because it was the only way to find inseam lengths that would give me leg lengths that did not seriously drag on the ground.
Thanks to Spandex, I actually have a pair of jeans that I can bend in, sit cross-legged in, not look like a teenager with incredibly baggy pants in , and look as hip in as a short, highly middle-aged female can. I wore my jeans this weekend and actually felt slightly stylish. Mind you, I said "slightly". I wouldn't want to give anyone the impression that I was remotely stylish. It is simply not in my genes!
I might go purchase one more pair of these miracle jeans, just to have on hand when I wear my current pair out. You've heard of the miracle bathing suit? Well, I found miracle jeans. I wonder if DKNY makes bathing suits?
Guess I shouldn't press my luck.
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