Did you know that February 22, 2011 was World Thinking Day? This day, celebrated day by the Girl Scout Organization, is set aside for the organization to think about other humans globally. I spend a fair amount of time thinking and pondering (redundant, I realize) but my thoughts and ponderings are not nearly as weighty as those the Girl Scouts are encouraged to think about, nor are some of my thoughts as altruistic as, perhaps, they could or should be.
However, since this blog topic is about thinking, I immediately thought of the famous thinker, Rene' Descartes and set about investigating him at Wikipedia, the fount of all factual, thought-provoking factoids. I learned that Monsieur Descartes was born in France in 1596, died in Sweden in 1650, and spent most of his adult life in the Dutch Republic. A real Renaissance man, he was known as a natural philosopher, a mathematician who is credited with being the father of analytical geometry (He and I would not have gotten along.), and he was one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution. Descartes has been immortalized with his saying, "I think, therefore I am."
Well, I prefer to think of myself in the following manner: I am, therefore I think. In fact, as I wrote earlier in this posting, I think quite a bit. It seems that there is much, in this world, about which to muse or deliberate upon. Some of my current, significant thinking opportunities include the tragedy unfolding in Japan, the political upheavals happening in Indiana and Wisconsin, and the health of good friends and relatives. Lesser and trivial-but-elevated-to-important status items that are garnering my attention are my Insanity Project, people who don't think and those who are seemingly incapable of lucid thoughts. Then there are my mundane-at-best and vapid-at-worst musings such as, "Should I exercise tomorrow?" or "Should I eat a brownie?" or "What should I do tonight after I blog?" Questions that I will answer but really do not deserve any mental energy spent on them at all.
I think it is time to stop with this trivial drivel and cease blathering .
I thought about it and did.
Ancora imparo