I'll admit it. It's late and I'm tired yet I feel the need to write about the sources of my inspiration.
Princess Leia inspires me, as do her brothers, to be a better granny by taking better care of myself so I can live as long as possible to see her (and them) grow way past young adulthood. I realize how long I stay on this earth is not up to me but I'll do my best to extend my time here.
Princess Leia's parents inspire me on a regular basis. They live their Christian faith on a daily basis and are always a source of support to me and countless others, in prayer, the spoken word and deed.
My new pastors are an inspiration to me and the others in our congregation. God sent them to our church and, through them, is breathing new life into our midst, which, not too long ago, felt as if we were gasping for each breath, like those with COPD do. Taking the Biblical story about the one missing sheep, I feel as if we have been a faithful, yet disorganized bunch of livestock, grazing about on many hills, occasionally looking up to see where our fellow sheep were, but having no distinct direction or any instinct that told us we needed a direction. Now it feels as if we are coming together as a flock of faithful followers and, in our growing unity, may actually have the opportunity to make a difference in ways we never imagined were possible. I realize that our pastors are human beings, just like the rest of us, but they occupy positions of God-given influence and importance to our tiny sphere of existence and, through them, we might hear God in ways and in places we didn't realize existed. I now actually hear people dreaming about what "might be" instead of "what was".
The night is over and a new day is truly dawning........... and if I don't get to bed, that is exactly what will be happening before long.
This sheep is heading for her stable.
Ancora imparo