I find it personally objectionable that, at 3:30 p.m., after one spillage and seven re-heats in the microwave, I just finished the coffee that I made at 11:30 a.m. This is not my usual modus operandi, or, regular procedure. Cold coffee doesn't particularly agree with my digestive system, nor does the re-heated variety, but today I was desperate. It was as if I dared the world to prevent me from making my own brew and consuming it as well. The world tried but I won. Moi - one, World - zero.
Now I know that there are those who are employed both outside the home and inside the home that never have time to finish a cup of coffee whilst it still resembles a warm beverage, so I shouldn't feel special. In fact, there are people who have made a second career out of re-heating the cold coffee in their even-colder coffee cups. I once knew a woman who, daily, left a trail of coffee cups throughout her home, each containing some amount of unfinished java and the person who dared to dump even one of those scattered cups took his or her life into his or her own hands.
Eating today has been about as routine as my coffee drinking experience. For some reason, nearly everything I've consumed since awakening has been eaten standing up, while walking from room to room, or while seated before my laptop. One of these days my luck will run out and I will have some mammoth spill on my keyboard, for that is the first rule of stupidity........eat at your computer. I have previously blogged about how many crumbs must be residing underneath the keys of my laptop and, by now, the amount must have grown exponentially larger. Still, I persist.
Now that I have complained about my eating and drinking for the day thus far, there seems little left in my sleep-deprived brain to write about. I am desperately clinging to my lists of tasks that need to be accomplished in the next twenty-four hours, although I have determined that my main list now needs to be re-written. It seems that yesterday while I was riding in the car and creating my lists, I kept dozing off. Consequently, some of the entries were written in a less-than-legible manner. I did catch one break with the new jeans that I bought. No shortening required as of yet!
Cross one more item off my list! Moi- two, World - zero.
Ancora imparo