Well, I did and here is what I'd say:
- Practice kindness. There's too little of it in our society.
- Take responsibility. Don't point the finger at another or in another direction.
- If you screw up, admit it, then fix it. Don't wait for someone else to fix your mess.
- 'Thank you' and 'You're welcome' will take you far.
- Learn how to spell.
- If you absolutely cannot spell, learn how to use a dictionary.
- Shower every day. The world will appreciate it.
- If you said you would do it, do it.
- If you can't do it, the sooner you let someone know, the better.
- When you are with someone you care about, turn your ringer off. Better yet, turn off your phone.
- Surprisingly, the other shoppers in stores do not care one whit about your end of a phone conversation.
- When using a cart in any store, follow the rules of the road.
- Don't park your cart in the middle of an aisle and expect others to wait while you decide what size peanut butter to buy.
- Pick up after yourself in the workplace, or any place, for that matter. Your mother will not always be by your side.
- Don't say, "Let's do lunch.", unless you mean it.
- If you don't have anything constructive to say, be quiet.
- If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
- Don't be a slacker. Carry your share of the load.
- Lastly, never, ever, waste the time of a volunteer.
Ancora imparo