I have been part of several conversations, as of late, concerning the high humidity that my geographical area of the country is experiencing. We do seem to be stuck under a weather pattern that just keeps its counter-clockwise rotation constantly in motion. It is like a meteorological "Groundhog Day". High humidity, cloudy, foggy, rainy - all stacked together like the layered lettuce salad that is so popular with potluck dinner diners.
One woman I spoke with was visiting from the Phoenix, Arizona area, where the heat index has been well over one-hundred degrees, but with the famous 'dry heat'. (I'm sorry but hot is hot is hot.) She is miserable here. She said her body has shed more moisture in the past few days than it has in years.
When I came in from an early morning walk today, my SO inquired if it was humid outside. "Is the Pope Catholic?", I responded, taking a quip from my youthful days.
Indeed, it is very humid. I walked through swarms of those tiny bugs that fly everywhere, including into all the orifices of your head. The flying insects were so thick that they simply stuck to my glistening skin, which was glue-like with perspiration, perfect to attract and keep bugs - sort of like body Velcro. Even the leaves of the over-hanging trees on the public walkway were lower to the ground than usual, laden with the extra dew from the humidity. I felt like I was lower to the ground than usual......and that is hard to do (ooh, good pun) when you are short, like I am.
And so we find ourselves in the throes of summer weather here in the mid-west. The bugs and weeds are very happy, as is our shrubbery, which looks as if it is on steroids. Perhaps, if I stood outside all day, I'd loose so much body moisture that I'd be at least one dress size smaller. Plus, I'd burn calories swatting at the bugs.
Sounds like a plan, doesn't it? I'll do a feasibility study.
Ancora imparo