A few days ago, I wrote about succumbing to the 'Call of the Cheese-Its". The loss of will-power was temporarily devastating to my sense of pride and self-esteem, but I recovered quickly. After all, isn't it the dream of every Cheese-Its lover to be face-to-face with the fat-laden/buttery/cheesy delight?
Feeling sufficiently chagrined after a good bout of self-chastisement, I entered the same lounge yesterday and experienced nary a twinge of desire, even though faced with three Cheese-It boxes. I left with a great sense of empowerment and personal satisfaction that I was able to ignore the 'Call of the Cheese-Its'.
Segue to today.
Lunchtime came and I found myself alone in the lounge. The other, grade-level staff had taken their students to a local park to blow off end-of-the-year steam and pent-up energy. I sat down at the table, absent-mindedly removing items from my lunch box. I happened to look up, and what was right in front of me, before my very eyes......not more than three or four inches away.......a box of Cheese-Its. "This is not fair!", exclaimed I to myself. "What a terrible fate to befall me and test my resolve!"
I successfully avoided eating any Cheese-Its today, but it was difficult. I had to keep my gaze lowered and avert my eyes from 'the box'. After a short while, I simply had to push the box as far down the table as I could. Still it called to me but I WAS STRONG. I kept telling myself, "You are stronger than that box of Cheese-Its........you know you are!"
I passed the test today but will I be able to resist the next time temptation comes a-callin'?
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