When I began this blogging process, I never imagined, nor considered, the fact that I might reach the five-hundredth posting. The most frequent questions I still receive are where I get the ideas to write about and where does the impetus and incentive come from to write a daily posting.
Where the idea 'kernels' come from is a rather elusive answer. Many of the posting thoughts come from conversations I'm part of, others come from the media, and still others come from observations. It is not unusual for an idea to 'pop' into my head and, with time allowing, I sit down and give it life. Probably most postings have little meaning to others, although I do get a lot of feedback, either verbally or via email. Some topics instantly hit hot buttons with others.
I write daily because I have this determination not to let my brain go to the state of 'mush'. I feared that, once I left my teaching position, my brain would receive inadequate stimulation and I made a promise to myself to keep learning and seeking. Consequently, I write, using my trusty dictionary and thesaurus, trying to avoid the impulse to use the auto-spell correction on my machine.
I think I can still spel. If I can't, let me no. The drooling will start soon afterwerds.
How am I dewing?
Ancora imparo