Do you ever just stop and tell yourself that you are special and deserve a treat? If you did, what would you consider to be a special treat? Chocolate? A puppy? A trip? A nap? Popcorn?
Personal treats will come in as many shapes and sizes as there are humans on this planet. I know someone who considers a personal treat to be outside in a thunderstorm, feeling the wrath of the elements first-hand, rain pelting her skin, wind blowing her hair, arms outstretched to the sky with a 'bring it on' attitude.
Different strokes for different folks.
Yesterday, I needed a personal treat that didn't involve food, puppy breath, thunderstorms or travel. After being outside, doing more bug battle and shrub-trimming, when I came into the condo, all I could 'see' was dirt and dust inside. Granted, there wasn't that much but what there was looked like the result of an Oklahoma dust storm to me and I simply could not let it be. I settled on dust-removal from my office as my number one priority and gave myself the special treat of having a dust-free office........which meant removing everything from the many shelves and surfaces, wiping all down and putting everything back. As I was in the midst of this 'special treat', I did think, once or twice, about re-defining what 'special treat' meant, but I was into the task and wasn't about to stop.
My brain being what it is, as soon as the office project was completed, I instantly knew what my next and final 'special treat' would be for the day.........clean throw rugs. There is little more relaxing or comfortable than the feel of clean, fluffed-up throw rugs for the bare foot to stand on. Granted, to get to that place requires quite a bit of walking and standing, which tends to make bare feet sore, but the end result is, in my opinion, heavenly. After washing and drying the big kitchen throw rug, I have been known to impose a moratorium on walking on this anyone but me......for as long as I can get away with it. The feel of the plumped-up fibers is like nothing else to my feet...................
So you know that there is a human side to my nature, just before my SO and I retired for the evening, last night, I invited him to walk on the kitchen throw rug. A real demonstration of love and devotion.
Sadly, I do not make this stuff up.
Ancora imparo