'Off-the-cuff' remarks usually have two options: Good or regrettable. A chairman of a mega, world-wide corporation made an 'off-the-cuff' remark recently about "little people" that I am certain he is regretting, about now. His corporation is currently in the deepest 'doo-doo' imaginable and his statement is drawing considerable and understandable ire. He suffered, and perhaps still suffers from, the condition of 'open mouth and insert foot' or 'tongue engaged before brain' syndrome.
These are human maladies that all people probably exhibit symptoms of from time to time. I certainly have not been spared the disease of 'hoof in mouth' (pun intended). I have finally learned that I NEVER inquire if a female is expecting or ask the question, "When is your baby due?" I have also learned, the hard way, not to assume that if two people are together - and you know one is married - that the other individual is their spouse. Talk about uncomfortable!
I do understand speaking words that I later rue, but I am also not a multi-multi-multi-million-dollar-compensated corporate chairman, who, one would ASSUME, should know better, or should have an assistant at his elbow who knows better. It is very apparent that the size of the brain is not commensurate with the size of the financial compensation.
After all, I am one of the world's 'little people' and we peons must stick together.
Ancora imparo