Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Knocked Any Sense........?

In the past, I've written about my great mental prowess concerning math and science, which just may be unsurpassed in terms of illusions of grandeur. I am a math-and-science-genius legend only in my own mind.

I do remember a few things from my high school science classes, where I sat in the back of the room and did more inking on my deck tennis shoes' blue lines, than listening to the teacher. What I do remember is that when a movable object meets an immovable object, the movable object - depending on its speed - can take a beating......which is exactly what happened to my hard head this morning when I was coming up, out of a sailboat's interior, and my head didn't realize that there was a hatch/door immediately above it. I should have known better because I know that sailboat's have these doors that you must absolutely duck for, but I didn't. To add further insult to injury, I was really heaving my body heavily upward with my arms, on the rails attached to the steps, because the steps are a little far apart and my legs are a little short. The consequence was a resounding collision between the top of my head and the metal rim of a hatch/door.

Nothing too serious resulted except for a pounding headache and a little temporary case of the dizzies, which some would say is routine with me, anyway. My eyes' pupils are working just fine so no worries there. I just have a bruised ego and knot on the top of my thick skull. People have told me before that I am thick-skulled, but today I was glad to have that trait.

Perhaps the lesson learned, here, is not necessarily to pay attention in science class, but rather more simple in nature.


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