My title today poses a weighty question that has been brewing in my mind for weeks now. I find that my cynicism is growing at a more rapid rate than I'd like. There was a time when I thought my ever-increasing cynicism was due to my ever-increasing age but now that the cynicism is growing exponentially much faster than my age I think there must be other factors involved.
The list of things that I don't find 'real' any more is becoming so long that it could be the basis for a novel. Everything - including people, people's parts, food, medicines, government, politicians - local and national, all types of media..........where does it end? When will our society stand up and insist that the 'spin' be removed?
Health care reform? Now there is a hornet's nest if I ever saw one. Health care reform is badly needed for many reasons, but I do not believe there is one word coming out of any politician's mouth these days that carries with it a shred of transparency, truth, or reality and that includes the Great Illusionist.
Photographs are altered, 'reality' television shows - now there is an oxymoron - are in abundance, our foods are modified, our animals are modified, our athletes are 'enhanced' - who knows whether or not the world's fastest man is legitimate? How can we ever take what a politician says at face value? Even our churches disinfect what we are told. The politics and power struggles that take place within the walls of 'churchdom' would spin our heads if we really knew.
All too often we humans are not even 'real' with each other. We paste our plastic smiles on when we need them, we nod agreeably and pleasantly when meeting one another, then look right through and past that person, mentally moving on to the next human encounter.
And thus, the question begs asking: "Do we really want to know the truth about anything?" Perhaps the actor, Jack Nicholson, had the right line when his character shouts, "The truth? You can't handle the truth!"
I will look to the hills, from whence cometh my peace, understanding, faith and the truth. I will strive to look up. Not down, or past you or through you. And, I will strive to notice, not just glance.
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