Do you like long car/vehicle trips?
I used to, when I was a wee bit younger. I always imagined that our vehicle would be one of those that stopped when something interesting came into view, such as a tourist attraction or a restaurant or an antique store..........but we never did. However, the possibility that we might was a carrot that dangled before my imagination and kept me motivated to ride and ride and ride.
I suppose that I shouldn't have been surprised that, as an adult, my vehicle experience would be any different than when I was a child. My dad would never stop, either. I guess I was born and doomed to be in a car that only moves from point A to point B. Heaven forbid that there should be an A.5.
Soon, my SO and I will fold ourselves into our car and spend about six hours traveling homeward bound. We pass our time with conversation or listening to a book on CD. We stop for 'necessary' breaks and coffee purchases. When we are fortunate, the two occur at the same location, thereby cutting down on the time-per-stop issue.
Sometimes, long rides can be good fodder for thinking and pondering the meaning of life. After all, what else is there to do when you are a prisoner in a rectangle with four wheels?
What else is there to do when you are a prisoner in a rectangle with four wheels?
Why, make lists, of course!
Extended car rides are the perfect breeding ground for detailed lists about absolutely everything. Concerts can be planned, entire menus for dinner parties can be organized. Some individuals knit or crochet whilst they ride, others sleep or read books. Today's youngsters spend their 'riding time' on their cells or texting each other. Twittering helps the miles go faster, so I'm told.
I will appreciate my long ride home because when I arrive at home, the washing machine will get a workout, the cat will need lots of attention, the car needs to be unloaded, and the vacuum sweeper will hum. Then I'll wish I was back in the car!
Happy trails to all of you.
Ancora imparo