There are some realizations in life that shouldn't be. Commonalities between humans, genders, ages, etc. that bind us all in one way or another. Commonalities that may come, initially, as a surprise, but when we have the time to ponder the interaction we conclude that we knew 'this' already.
Now that I am a grandparent - grandmother to be specific, I have discovered, in many conversations, that we grannies, for the most part, are all the same. Softies, you might say, when it comes to our grandchildren. We all melt when we see our grandchildren, become reluctant to let them out of our hug, and, get 'blue' when they (or we) leave.
On my walk this morning, I had the pleasure of conversing with a woman that I see infrequently, but always have an instant connection with. Today, during part of our twenty-minute-or-so chat, she mentioned her three-year old grandchild. Since I,too, have a three-year old grandchild, you can guess where the conversation went. We were each giggling after we revealed that both of us get 'blue' when the grandchild (or children) leaves. And, we each work through our 'blueness' by cleaning and cleaning, and then cleaning some more. Having identified that commonality, an instant bond was formed and will be a bond present every time we chat in the future.
We grannies are more alike than not. I love being a granny.
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