My mind doesn't need much encouragement to travel to out-of-the-way places and it happened this morning......already!
I heard the words "seventh heaven", as in, "I'm in seventh heaven!" and I began to imagine just what would be in my 'eighth heaven'. Since this is a term that I have never heard of or seen in print before, I decided I could put whatever or whomever I wanted in my personal 'eighth heaven'.
As you know, I love lists, so here is my current list of what or whom would be in my 'eighth heaven':
My beloved, departed dog, Max
My deceased friend, Kathy
My @#$* kitty, Frances, because I am her only friend
Charles Swindol, theologian and pastor
My family, of course
Frozen yogurt
Good coffee
A primo coffee maker
A red, S-40 Volvo
Oskar, the black lab that we rescued
My long-ago cat, Duke
Intermittent deliveries of Godiva chocolate
A good Reisling
A daily newspaper delivery
A good chiropractor
A good window-washer
Some good friends
A dictionary
The world's best pipe organ
My Bible
Johannes Brahms
Charles Hindemith
Peter I. Tchaikovsky
There is one item you will never find in my new 'eighth heaven': Cat litter or a cat box. My kitties would have to find their own solutions.
There you have my current list of what and whom would go in my 'eighth heaven'.
Think about what you would put in yours!
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