One of the evening network news shows tonight had a segment about the most inspiring gentleman. I will get some of the details slightly incorrect, but the gist will be accurate.
This man, in his mid-eighties, just retired as a UPS driver. He's driven over two million miles and worked for UPS for over forty years in Detroit, Michigan. When he began with UPS, he earned ninety five cents an hour! I believe the story said that over the years he has missed just one day of work. He and his wife have been married for sixty two years and they don't show any signs of slowing down. Film footage of this darling man showed him hoisting himself up into the truck with his arms and it wasn't a short distance. He was workin' it, as the kids would say.
Usually the evening news is filled with pathos, chaos, anger, terror, violence, and horrific acts of human cruelty or selfishness. This was uplifting and made me smile, inside and out.
I'll never meet this individual and he'll never read this but I salute him from afar.
I hope I can be just like him when I grow up! Way to go, Brown!
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