As you may remember, the signature and title of this blog, Ancora imparo, in Latin literally means still I am learning. That is exactly what happened as a result of the weekly choir rehearsal that I lead and began last night for the season.
This group always teaches me something, most of which is useful, some of which falls under the category of useless-but-terribly-funny. There is no such thing as a boring rehearsal with these dedicated individuals and last night was no exception. Nothing gets past these guys and let it be said that if something did, I'd be disappointed, not to mention worried. Their insight, wit, radar, empathy, skill, humor, wisdom, ability, and intelligence is uncanny and considerable. They keep me on my toes, which is good, considering that I am very vertically challenged.
We were midway into our first number and a voice (it is always a voice out of nowhere) asked if there was a misprint in the text using the word delusive? "Shouldn't it be illusive?", the voice asked. This is not a group where I can feign knowledge so I said, "I don't know what delusive means. I'll look it up."
And, I did.
It turns out that 'delusive' is, indeed, a word. Delusive is connected to a belief or thought as in 'deluding' one's self. Illusive is connected to that which is either visible or tangible (as in illusion) and, thusly, the word 'delusive' was printed correctly in the text - not a misprint.
I learned something today. Who knows what I will learn tomorrow? I do know that if I don't get at my list of things-to-do today, I'll learn tomorrow that I should have accomplished more today.
Ancora imparo