Friday, August 21, 2009

Good Things Stored at 30 Degrees

I'm in the process of cleaning my office - I mean really cleaning my office. While I would not describe myself as a pack rat or hoarder, I do admit to the tendency to want everything I might possibly ever need kept close to me so it is convenient to get at. And so, periodically I must take a hard look at what I keep, where I keep it, have I used it in the last twelve months, Have I even touched it in the last six months, etc. Hard questions to ask of one who might need an item at any moment on any given day. After I look at each item, I actually pick it up, dust it and the space beneath it.

As I'm moving about myspace, pun intended, I came across a cardboard box, setting atop other things that I must surely have need of some day. The printing on the side of the box says, "keep refrigerated at thirty degrees F". This statement, of course, took my mind to another place and I began to contemplate just what should be (or would be best) kept at thirty degrees F. There is no indication on the outside of the box what its original contents were so my imagination has been left to its own creative devices to imagine what could have occupied the interior of the box.

Here is a list (surprise, surprise) of what I wish were being kept at thirty degrees F in the box:

Cookie dough
Chocolate chip cookies
Heck, any kind of cookie
Ice cream
Blueberry muffins
Porterhouse steaks
Fillet mignon
Freshly caught bluegill
Freshly caught perch
Parmesan-cheese bread sticks

Oh, I had better stop this list before my imagination overcomes my self-control.

Actually, I think I would look better kept at thirty degrees F. The aging process would slow, as would wrinkle production AND I wouldn't have hot flashes.

I'm going to close now and turn down my thermostat........waaaaaay down.

Ancora imparo