Tuesday, July 17, 2012

North Channel Great Adventure, Day Three, Friday, July 13, 2012

North Channel Great Adventure – Day Three
Friday, July 13, 2012

Gee, I hardly know where to begin. 

We moved anchorages this morning and have just dropped a “proper” anchor in a place called Beardrop Harbor, which is on the mid-northern shore of the North Channel, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.  This is our first time in Beardrop, which is known to be a very popular anchorage, WHICH could prove to be very interesting come morning, tomorrow, when we try to leave.  I have never lost my sense of anxiousness when moving through crowded boating conditions and, come tomorrow – when we leave to head back to Gore Bay for one or two nights, I’ll probably be the one at the helm as we weave through the maze of boats that may (or may not) have collected over the next twelve hours.

As Al’s boating instructor, Jim Kenyon taught him (and me), “Slow, crisp maneuvers.!”   This mantra comes to mind for CSO every time he finds the necessity for close-quarter maneuvers. 

It was hard to leave the tranquility of John Island this morning.  We really do get the sense of “living” somewhere when we are on anchor.  From the time we first arrived at John Island, there were four boats in our area.  As of yesterday afternoon, there were two – us and a sailboat.  The sailboat left early this morning and, for our last two hours at John Island – save for a fishing boat trolling the rocky banks, we were alone.  For breakfast, we dined on sautéed morel mushrooms, scrambled eggs with bacon bits, and, for CSO, toast.  Of course, there was the requisite coffee.  I remarked to CSO, as we ate, that this would be the perfect setting for drinking coffee all morning and reading the Chicago Times.  Alas, though, no newspaper delivery in the North Channel.  Since we turned off the data feed to my phone, I can’t even access the electronic newsfeed from our hometown newspaper.  I don’t know what I am missing more – the newspaper’s news or the comics that I received on a daily basis through Google Reader. 

Beardrop promises to have spectacular kayaking so I know what we’ll be doing this afternoon.  EXPLORING!  Tonight, we’ll dine on one more package of CSO’s spareribs. 

I know, I know…………I’m very lucky.

Ancora imparo