Monday, July 30, 2012

Head-Shakin' Moments

Excellence is an elusive quality that can be hard to attain, but when it is achieved it is remarkable and inspiring, especially when achieved by young (or younger than I) people.  The Olympics are an excellent example of achieving excellence.  It is so exciting to watch the athletes compete.  My excitement ratchets up with them as they excel and my heart breaks with them as fall short of whatever goal they had set for themselves. 

Last night's women's gymnastics all-around qualifying competition is a good example of a head-shakin' moment when excellence is over-looked or ignored and mediocrity is rewarded.  The new rule from the IOC that only two members of each team can go on to the finals is ridiculous and best and insulting at the worst.  When the number-four qualifier is denied the opportunity to move to the finals but the twenty-fourth is allowed to compete because of the two-per-country rule, then the system is broken.  Mediocrity should not be rewarded in any way.  This reminds me of some of the current thoughts in education that all children must feel good about what they accomplish, regardless of effort, skill, or achievement.  Real achievement, effort, skill, and accomplishment must be acknowledged if we desire to raise children, and, therefore, the next generation, to be leaders, goal-setters and goal-achievers.  Rewarding mediocrity serves no purpose and serves no one.

Lastly, the Penn State debacle is wrong, no matter how you want to look at it.  Those in charge wronged those who trusted them, took advantage in unspeakable ways that is wrong at best and morally reprehensible at worst.  However, I totally disagree with the punishment passed down that is affecting the players in the current Penn State program.  Players, if possessing no knowledge of the abuse, should not have to suffer the punishment of having future career-possibilities ruined or shattered.  Punish the adults, punish those who covered up the abuse, but not those innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have never been a fan of punishing a group because of the poor decisions made by one or a few.  I do not purport to know what the answer should be.......I'm just shakin' my head.

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