Friday, March 4, 2011

Enough Is Enough!

The month of March needs to go.  It needs to be deleted from the calendar.  To be sure, March customarily contains two significant dates - the first day of spring and St. Patrick's Day, plus Lent often begins in March.  Other than those dates, March seemingly has no purpose other than make us long for the end of winter. 

Many, many moons ago, when I was a senior in high school, our choir director decided our musical would be Richard Rodger's and Oscar Hammerstein's production "Carousel".  I was cast in the part of Carrie Pipperridge, whose character and personality fit me perfectly.  I can still remember many of the words to the songs from "Carousel" and one of my favorites remains, "June Is Bustin' Out All Over", which is all about getting to the summer and clam bakes. Since I'm all about summer, water and fish fries, this song really speaks to me.  The first stanza of the song goes like this:

March went out like a lion,
A whippin' up the water in the bay.
Then April cried and stepped aside,
And along came pretty little May!

May was full of promises, 
But she didn't keep 'em quick enough for some
And a handful of Doubtin' Thomas's 
Was predictin' that the summer'd never come.

But it's comin' by gum,
You can feel it come.......

We all need a peek into spring, to believe that winter will actually blow itself into non-existence.  I got a glimpse of spring today when I saw my first robins of the season.  There were two of them, briefly perched upon the rooftop of the condo directly across the street from my office window, with their unmistakable rust-colored breasts proudly displayed.  Seeing the robins gave me enough boost to weather through a day of gray skies and rain, with more predicted for tomorrow.

Yesterday Mother Nature teased us with warmer temperatures and a ray of sunshine from time to time.  I even saw a young woman wearing short-shorts in the grocery store.  At least someone has faith that March will eventually go away.

The song says June is a-comin' and that's enough for me!

Ancora imparo