Sunday, February 15, 2009

On The Same Page?

I'm beginning to think that 'being on the same page' with another person or group is difficult.

I am continually amazed at how different people hear conversations differently. Two or more people can walk away from a discussion and there will be as many versions of what was spoken or decided as there were people involved.

Why is that?

I do not think this is a gender problem because same-gender conversations can be just as misunderstood as mixed-gender conversations. Which makes me wonder if it is a personality issue? Do Type-A's listen differently than laid-back individuals? Does age come into play?

Whatever the reason(s), there is no mistaking the outcome of a lack of clarity between individuals that were present at the same meeting. Frustration, disorganization, power struggles - even hurt feelings - can all come into play when the parties involved leave without clarifying the clarifications clearly.

Did I make myself clear?

Ancora imparo