Do you ever find the vastness of the internet to be overwhelming? A person can literally learn about ANYTHING on the internet - good or bad. The internet has moved waaaaay past the days when my children would just explore it to find information about a school-related topic. Now, I cannot even begin to describe what you can find out about and who you can locate.
One of the websites I hear and see a lot of chatter about is Pinterest. After weeks of seeing Facebook chatter about the site, plus listening to in person conversations about Pinterest, I took the time to look into it myself. Pinterest is akin to information overload. I have friends - real friends - who spend hours a day surfing the site, getting ideas from how to make a costume to recipes to craft-type ideas. I don't think there is anything you cannot find out about on Pinterest.
What I want to know is who has time to do all of the stuff that you can find on Pinterest? I have my hands full with what I am involved in, all of the projects that are either unfinished or never started, more recipes than I'll ever make in this lifetime, and more craft-type stuff on my shelves than I really have room for.
Funny thing is that I was much craftier in my younger years. Obviously, before I had children I had plenty of discretionary time, especially after Capt. SO and I moved to a new state and I could not find a full-time teaching job. I took craft lessons and sewed up storm after storm. Even after the children were born I still found time to sew garments for all four of us and make seasonal craft items. Somewhere along the line, my time became consumed with other interests and responsibilities and how I filled my limited discretionary time became much more complicated. Now that I am retired, it sometimes feels as if I have less discretionary time than ever.
Yes, yes, I know the word discretionary is just that - choices, choices, choices. I have the ability to choose how I spend my time, what I spend my time on and with whom I spend my time. Pinterest just has too many choices and ideas. All great, yes - too many for certain!
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