When did my Feng Shui get into such turmoil? I had better Feng Shui when my home was inhabited by short people (shorter than me) under the age of six. True, things got a little (OK, a lot) disorganized, messy and dusty but I was relaxed and happy. This uncharacteristic relaxation and sense of euphoria was due, in part, to having either TEM or TYM here, but, I must admit, it was also because I didn't do much other than play with a grandchild, cook, read books, throw Frisbees, pretend I was six at a playground, or eat cookie dough with TYM when we mixed it up. To the dust bunnies (EVERYWHERE) I said, "Pox on you!" and chose to ignore them. I even ignored the crumbs on the floor although I drew the line at the ever-present and ever-annoying cat litter that Grumpy Kitty seems to try her best to bring out of her little box. I was just plain Grandma.
Then the short-person vacation was over and reality reappeared with a vengeance. As I ridded the condo of dust bunnies - by now the size of extra-large, lop-eared rabbits, I couldn't help but think that life was definitely more fun by over-looking all things dirty, dusty and disorganized. Now it seems that my Feng Shui is way out of sync. The condo got clean and I got unhappy. What's up with this? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around!
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese combination of art and science that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for the people who live there. Feng means wind and shui means water. I am here to tell you that my wind and water have combined to form a tsunami. I was up repeatedly in the night with my too-smart phone, adding reminder after reminder. Now I'll have to post a post-it note somewhere in a prominent spot to remind myself to look at my phone reminder list. There are 31 reminders in my reminder list.
I wonder if there is a Feng Shui application that I could load on my cell phone. Oh, wait. I can't load apps yet because I do not know my phone-maker's password I created.
What a pain in my feng shui.
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