I wanted to write about Princess Leia today but I am uncertain how to title today's posting. At first I thought I would title it, "Three-Year Olds' Rules", but then I thought that, perhaps, a more fitting title would be "Three-Year Olds Rule".
To be accurate, she is not yet three. She turns three in June, but I'm giving her the benefit of the chronological doubt. She is my kind of girl - a force of nature. Not that I don't relate to quiet, shy, demure or timid girls. If she were that, I'd still love her fiercely. But, there is something inside me that is drawn to girls who are self-assured, confident, and unafraid to assert themselves. Yes, yes, I know she is not-quite-yet three but she has personality traits that I believe are unlikely to change much as she matures, that is, unless some authority figure dares to squash her spirit.
She has an effervescent personality that is "on" from the moment she awakens to the time she actually falls asleep - that is, unless she is tired - then she becomes like the rest of us.........grumpy. She is certain of what she wants and how she wants it. Not in an unpleasant sort of way, just matter of fact. She rarely equivocates and is wary of those who try to change her mind. She initiates play and conversation - two traits that will serve her well, long into adulthood.
I do not know if she will break any glass ceilings someday. Indeed, I do not care if she breaks a glass ceiling, as long as she is doing that which gives her pleasure and exercises her fine mind. The personality traits she displays today are ones that will serve her well through school, where sometimes, stereotypes still prevail and girls' expectations are different from those of boys.
She has a keen eye for puzzle-assembling, likes to direct all things animate and inanimate, and loves to sing. She has a strong sense of nurturing and takes very good care of her "babies".
I think she should get the Republican nomination for President.
Oops, that is grandmother talking.
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