Hi, I'm back! I, being TEM, The Eldest Musketeer. There is so much to tell, I don't know where to start. OK, just like Julie Andrews, "let's start at the very beginning, a very fine place to start."
Yesterday was science day here at the Hooz. I had gone to the science fair at my school and I was so excited to try making tornadoes and volcanoes and I got to! Ancora Imparo had purchased two, two-liter bottles for the tornadoes and Grandpa Hoo did some special thing to connect the two, two-liter bottles so they could be turned over and over, just like a salt timer. We put food coloring in the water, and I tried putting small bits of flowers in the water so the tornado could look like it had debris floating in it. Then Ancora Imparo got out all the ingredients for the volcano and Grandpa Hoo and I made the "mountain". At first, I did not like getting my hands dirty in the mixture of flour, salt, cooking oil and water. I thought it felt gross but, after a while, I got used to it and then I enjoyed helping make the mix stick to the sides of the bottle so it looked like a mountain. Then came the really, really cool part, which Ancora Imparo video recorded. That is when I got to put in a few drops of dish soap, several teaspoons of salt, several teaspoons of baking soda and then watch the eruption - over and over and over. I don't know who had more fun - me, Grandpa Hoo or Ancora Imparo watching us!
Next my great imagination went to work and I decided I wanted to build a volcano outside with real rocks! The Hooz and I went for two walks to collect stones of all sizes in the white bucket. Grandpa Hoo took my scooter along so the full bucket could rest on the scooter because it was so heavy. He and I built a stone mountain around a bottle outside. It looked just like a mini-mountain. When we made the lava concoction it looked just like a real volcanic eruption!
Later I chose to have quiet time instead of taking a nap and I made a dragon that had really tall legs, some spears and lots of other neat attachments. I can do a lot with masking tape, a ruler, Scotch tape and a stapler. After that I played my piano lesson assignment for Ancora Imparo and I learned about line and space notes. She also taught me that there are line and space notes above and below the staff!
After dinner, the Hooz and I watched the movie, "Treasure Buddies" and ate popcorn. When the movie was finished the Hooz each read me a book. Ancora Imparo taught me the difference between to, too and two. Whew!
This morning the Hooz and I went to their church where Ancora Imparo directed a bunch of men who sang real good. Then she played her flute with the organ and a man who played the bagpipes. He was really good. I knew just what to expect the bagpipes to sound like because Ancora Imparo and I watched bagpipers on YouTube yesterday so I wouldn't be surprised.
After church we went out to lunch. After lunch, Grandpa Hoo read me a really nice email from my brother who is in Haiti with my parents. I tried to think of what to say back, but I was feeling goofy so I had Grandpa Hoo send a goofy email in return. It was nice of him to send my sister and I an message! Anyway, for lunch I had a hot dog (without the bun), french fries, applesauce and lemonade. We rode in Grandpa Hooz big, white truck. After we got home, we read books, I had quiet time and Ancora Imparo went for a long walk in the hot sun. She said she ate too much for lunch.
I don't know what we will do tonight. I'm doing a real good job being helpful, funny, talkative, and watchful. If either Hoo skips a page in a book, I let them know right away!
Tomorrow we are going swimming. I can't wait!