Monday, March 5, 2012

Have Not Moved Past This, Yet

The lecture video that I wrote about yesterday came flashing back into my consciousness this morning while I was skimming through the posts on my Facebook page.  The predictable recipe posters had been active after I went to bed last night.  There was a post or two about Pinterest and the right/left-wingers were busy sharing their favorite articles and interviews espousing their points of view.  Another person shared a post about some NFL football player that was arrested for murder in the Atlanta, Georgia area. 

Pizza instead of broccoli...........and I was right there at the table, scarfing up the pizza as fast as my eyes could absorb it. 

After I finished my Facebook visit, which took all of three minutes, I went to my Bookmarks and found the National Weather Service's page for my hometown.  Bam!  The lecture came zooming back into focus as I remembered a statement that the lecturer made:  One of the most trusted sources of information today is the website for the National Weather Service.  It serves up the facts, "just the facts, Mam".  Even the Weather Channel is perceived to be accurate, as well.  These two information-servers simply take the data that the satellites and other highly sophisticated equipment spew out and re-spew it to viewers and listeners.  This is pure, unadulterated broccoli.  Why, health-conscious grocery shoppers would most certainly consider this broccoli to be organic.  No additives or chemical enhancements.  No editorial slants.  "Just the facts, Mam." 

The Weather Channel and the National Weather Service are not fly-by-nights, either.  These two entities enjoy some of the highest viewing numbers among cable channels and websites.  People know that if they view or visit the Weather Channel or the National Weather Service website, they will get what they came for -  the latest in meteorological information.  Sure, the weather can change.  Mother Nature is famous for her mercurial flip-flops, but at least her flip-flops are not related to winning an election and trying to obfuscate the facts.  

All this to mull over and to think that the last thing I did last night before retiring to bed was to "do" the People Magazine Puzzler page. 

Pizza right before bed.  It is no wonder that I have heartburn. 

Ancora imparo