Monday, March 19, 2012

Shorter-Perspective News

This is day four of my stay with the Hooz.  Who am I?  I am TEM, The Eldest Musketeer.  Musketeer, the Younger is in Haiti with my parents and Grandpa Hay. Princess Leia is with Granny Hay.  I know she is having a good time being very helpful and having lots of fun.

Me, I'm always helpful and always planning.  Yesterday, after I had a short rest, the Hooz and I went to a local park.  I took my scooter because Grandpa Hoo and Ancora Imparo needed exercise and I can go really fast on my Razor scooter.  When we got to the park, I pretended to be Roald Dahl's Enormous Crocodile and I pretended to eat the Hooz.  We all had great fun.  On the way home, I'd drop my Razor and Grandpa Hoo would ride it until I ran to catch him.  Grandpa said it was fun to ride.  It was very warm outside and when we got back to the Hooz House, Ancora Imparo got out lemon-lime popsickles and we all ate one.  Grandpa Hoo was able to eat his really fast because he can bite into frozen food with his teeth.  Ancora Imparo and I are not so lucky and we had to eat ours slowly which made our tongues very green.  After dinner, Grandpa Hoo played Candy Land with me and I beat him every game. 

This morning Ancora Imparo and I practiced my piano music together.  She said I did a very good job.  When I got done playing all my music, we did some theory work together.  I learned how to make whole notes in lines and spaces.  I used my eraser a lot, but it works so good to correct whole notes that I put in a slightly wrong space.  I am a very particular person. 

After we finished my piano practice, Ancora Imparo and I went swimming at a place that is not too far from the Hooz House.  It is a new wave swim club.  It was a lot of fun.  We were there for ninety minutes and most of the time we had the pool to ourselves.  There were pool toys and Ancora Imparo brought along two noodle floats that I had a good time with.  When we left the pool, I was very hungry so Ancora Imparo stopped at McDonalds, which is right on the way back to the Hooz House.  I got french fries, two hamburger patties with no buns, and some Hi-C orange drink, which I thought I would like but did not.  After lunch the Hooz and I played more Candy Land, they read books to me and then Ancora Imparo and I fell asleep sitting up.  We must have been very tired from our big morning.  Grandpa Hoo carried me downstairs so I could rest a while more comfortably.

The Hooz are learning some things about me.  I like to negotiate - especially when it comes to eating my vegetables.  Ancora Imparo is pretty smart, though.  She knows how to negotiate me into eating more peas, apple slices, or broccoli clumps that I originally wanted to.  But, she doesn't need to negotiate how many blueberries or gluten-free waffles I eat.  She just has to negotiate with me when to stop!  They are also learning that I have grown up a lot and can do many things by myself and for myself that I didn't used to be able to.  They told me I am lots of fun to have around.  I think they will miss me a whole bunch when I leave tomorrow.