Monday, September 19, 2011

Reality Schmality

Begging your pardon, but I feel compelled to say that "reality" television is one of the truest oxymorons.......ever.  Is the viewing public really so gullible to think that what we see on the tiny screen is actually what happens?  I at least give reality "star" Kendra Wilkinson credit for admitting on morning television that some scenes have to be "re-staged" in order to properly represent the scene. 

First of all, who creates these shows?  Secondly, why do producers decide to take on these projects and, thirdly, where do the producers come up with the individuals to be the "starz" of the shows?  When I heard that the "Real Housewives" franchise might be in trouble, I was nearly brought to my knees with tears, thinking about the national tragedy that will occur if we, the viewing public, cannot see inside the lives of these vapid, witchy, self-aggrandizing, selfish, and conceited women.  I said, "Oh, no!", and threw my forearm across my forehead in bereft frustration. 

Just for one moment, I wish that television-show creators would take on the project for the kind of woman that the Beatles sang about in the 1968 recording of "Lady Madonna".

Lady Madonna, children at your feet,
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet?
Who will find the money when you pay the rent?
Did you know that money was heaven sent?

Lady Madonna, baby at your breast,
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest?

Tuesday afternoon is never-ending,
Wednesday morning papers never come
Thursday night your stocking needed mending,
See how they run.

Obviously, I've picked through the lyrics but the generalization is still clear.  "Lady Madonna" represents reality for so many more women than the starz of reality television shows.  Starz that are pampered, spoiled and possess a sense of entitlement that would make liberals blush. 

My goodness, my soapbox was a bit elevated today.  Please accept my apologies.

Ancora impoligetico