Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Eyes Have It

This is a posting from August 29, 2011.

Capt. SO and I have long known that boats sitting at anchor, in a state park bay, are definite objects of curiosity.  Kayakers, canoeists, and swimmers all have been known to stop and ask "questions of interest" to boat operator/owners.  It is also not unusual to field question from campers on land as we tie up the dinghy at the campground boat-launch dock.  We have suspected that people on land may often have binoculars trained on boats at anchor in the bay, but it was only a suspicion......until today.

Capt. SO and I decided to go for an afternoon dinghy ride.  Before we took off, we made a trip to shore to take up a small bag of lunch garbage.  As we approached shore, I noticed a man with binoculars aimed right at us. Not wanting to be as obvious as he was, I turned my head but kept him in my peripheral vision.  Sure enough, those binocs had not moved an inch.  As we got closer and my angle of shore vision changed, I observed a woman seated next to Vision Man on the bench.  When she saw me see them, she began vigorously elbowing his side.  When that became obviously ineffective, she reached over and grabbed the binoculars from his hands.  By now, Capt. SO is noting all of this and we both started to laugh.  After we had secured the dinghy, we had to walk right past the couple, who were still seated on the park bench.......but neither would make eye contact with us. 

My theory is that they had already seen enough. 

It goes without saying:  "You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why...."

Ancora imparo