Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sock It To Me!

If you have followed Ancora imparo for any length of time, you will know that I (a) long for a puppy (b) have little use for politicians of any party (c) adore the Three Musketeers (d) have trouble sleeping (e) miss my teaching job (f) am highly cynical (g) like coffee and chocolate (h) read the funnies (i) am learning how to live without my beloved daily newspaper (j) spent much of the summer being hot (k) disliked this summer's higher temperatures and humidity levels (l) and recently have determined that I am a dinosaur.

Knowing what you do about moi, you will understand that for me to be cold is a "Haley's-Comet" kind-of-moment for me, but that is exactly what I was this morning.  Oh no......make no mistake.....I got cold.

After meeting with a friend and her husband for an early breakfast, I ventured out of the comfortable confines of the restaurant and immediately determined that the outside temperature seemed lower than when I had entered the restaurant at o'dark hundred - to quote a friend.  (No matter that I was dressed in strapped sandals, capris and no coat.)  It only took me a split-second to decide that one way to thaw out my feet and ankles was to pick up a hot coffee-to-go from another, nearby restaurant whose coffee I am always looking for an excuse to drink.  The coffee offered a temporary relief from the cold, but by the time I reached my car, fitness-parked faaaar away, the cold had seeped back into my bones and under my skin.

I actually activated my car's heated seat.

Next I drove to a friend's home that is relatively close to the restaurant.  She and I chatted and laughed for well over an hour......all the while my bare feet felt like frozen ice cream treats.  Walking around the refrigerated sections of the grocery store didn't help the frozen-footsie situation and by the time I returned home, my feet and toes hurt.

I actually donned socks to warm my feet. 

Socks, now. What next?