Just when it feels as if the world is topsy-turvy with seemingly skewed actions and diatribe, life has a way of reminding us that there is good, there can be inner peace, and that happiness is truly in the details. At times, these tiny revelations are reminiscent of lines in Robert Frost's poem, "Fog": The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Perhaps it is the pause in the morning's rush when one sits with chilly hands wrapped around a warm mug filled with hot liquid - its steam filling the nostrils and wafting upward towards the ceiling. Maybe a small voice that says "Mommy (or Daddy), I love you." as the little arms wrap around your neck before you dash out the door for another day in paradise. It might come in your fingertips as they gently stroke the fur of your pet or the act of just sitting in your favorite chair - even if just for sixty seconds as you gather your thoughts and energy before plowing into the universe we all know as 'work'. For others the peace comes in the quiet contemplation of prayer and reading the Bible or some other spiritually-renewing resource.
Environmentalists speak of renewable energy. Millions - no - billions are spent on this, yet possibly, the most powerful and important need for renewable energy comes from within each of us. The internal force that may whisper or, if ignored for too long, scream "Stop, drop and roll!", which will have nothing to do with fire safety but, rather, with the body's and psyche's need to momentarily regroup and recharge.
Renewing one's self can also come in the form of visible yet nearly imperceptible changes like removing a tie before leaving the workplace for home, the changing of clothes from public attire into your favorite jeans or sweats, washing your face, or sitting on a swing with legs dangling. Any or all of these acts can bring about a mental adjustment that relieves stress or wipes away confusion, frustration or even sadness.
Life's simple pleasures can truly be free of charge and they do wait like little cat feet. We cannot hear them but they are real. We just have to look.
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