Have you ever noticed that the world becomes easily out-of-sync when cosmic speeds do not match?
My first indication of speeds being out of synchronization came early just this morning when I arose to continue my obsessive and incessant list-making. Since I had laid in bed making mental lists throughout the night, I thought I might as well haul my derriere out of my warm and cozy bed and start putting pen to paper. This should have worked well, but the speed of my brain did not match the speed of my sight and within moments of being upright, my mind had darted through about a dozen tasks just because my eyes spied an item that lead my brain on a scavenger hunt. Why, even as I am typing this posting, my hand has grabbed my pen multiple times and scribbled more notes on my agenda page for today.
This is not cosmic karma.
The second indication of mismatched speeds came when I was logging in to Blogger. I breezed through my email address - thankfully - but just a micro-second later when my cursor began blinking for my password, instead of my normal Blogger password I found myself typing a sentence that needed to go on my task list for the day.
This is not cosmic karma.
There could be many factors to blame for mis-matching cosmic speeds. The financial markets went bananas yesterday and media markets outdid themselves to declare to the world that the Dow fell five-hundred points, sending "doom, gloom, and agony - all three" (Thank you, Hee Haw!) spreading like wildfire throughout the world. Thrift stores will be doing a burgeoning business today. Another factor to the cosmic chaos must surely be Facebook's new surgical enhancements that few seem to have embraced. After reading all of the Facebook comments and even seeing a picture posted with a traffic sign decrying the Facebook changes, I am left with the suspicion that, perhaps, all of us Facebook "users" use it a little bit too much?????
Thusly, in an effort to realign my cosmic karma, I am back to the theme of yesterday's posting, which now reminds me of a 1950's song, covered by many famous singing artists titled "Little Things Mean A Lot". "Blowing a kiss across the room" is just one example of how the song's lyrics demonstrate how little things do mean a lot, maybe even bringing order back to the cosmos.
Today, I blow kisses to any and all who could use one. I will bet there are many of you. Maybe send one back my way, if you have time?
Ancora imparo